Luxury Inn on Cayuga Lake with a Story

The Inn at Gothic Eves in the Finger Lakes Region of NY has a story to tell.  I had just provided my guests with another breakfast made with local, organic ingredients. It was a beautiful morning with a light breeze and 70 degrees. My guests had taken off to spend the afternoon at Cornell Plantations and the Johnson’s Art Museum when I noticed a car pulling in, and out stepped one of my very old and dear guests. This guest first came to the Inn when it was a four room Bed and Breakfast in the Finger Lake, and returned this day because their young son was highly allergic to the cats in her parents house and was not sleeping well. So they came and stayed for a few nights.

After that first year, I saw them every year. Over the many years, their family grew to 2 boys and the boys grew up and became young gentleman. Most mornings during their visits were spent sharing the antics of the boys with the grandparents.

Yesterday, she was not visiting to stay or bring happy news but to tell me her Mom had passed away. We cried, hugged, and tried to catch up with our family news.

Her visit and desire to share this latest news with me touched me in a special way. Yes, I am an innkeeper but there is so much more to this trade. Innkeepers are people who witness your vacations, remember the stories and accumulate all of your wonderful visits into the next visit. We are like diaries of your stays away from home. The next visit is better than the last because it is additive.

If there was any reason to stay in an Inn or a Bed and Breakfast, this is a great one. It is rare to have this relationship that can not be listed as an amenity. It can not be bottled or marketed, it can only be shared by the willing. Thank you to all of my guests who continue to share your lives with me. I cherish it and will always look forward to the next visit that always provides the next story.

Innkeeper Rose Hilbert
POB 95, 112 E. Main St.
Trumansburg, NY, 14886
fax 607-387-4035

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