Notice anyone new around the inn?

I’ll give you a hint. She’s got a big personality but is small in stature. She’s cute but mischievous. She’s the cutest no butts. IT’S SADIE! Miss Sadie Mae Hawkins was born on October 10, 2017, the runt of a litter of 18.
In May of last year, my girl Copper died after 17 great years. It was a very difficult time for me and after a mourning period, I was in search of a new dog. I’ve always been a large dog person but my shoulders screamed for a smaller dog.
I initially wanted a rescue dog but Copper was a rescue and she had some behavioral issues that made owning an inn, where there are new people coming and going all the time, difficult. So I was interested in an animal that would be a better fit for the business.
Through my internet research, I found the S5 Ranch Aussies a family owned and run breeder in Hillsboro, Ohio that appealed to me! They breed miniature and toy Australian Shepherds, and Sadie is a toy. I appreciated the effort they put into their website and keeping it updated with the puppies they have available at any given time. Sadie was one of the puppies listed when I looked in November, so I drove out there at the end of November and picked her up.
Sadie has been a part of the inn for almost 4 months and she has brightened our lives tenfold! She’s spunky and sweet and lovable!