This Memorial Day weekend we had a special meditation retreat at the inn with Jean Rood, a Reiki energy healer based in Binghamton, NY!
3 Days, 11 Readings, 13 Meditation Participants 
Everyone was at a fork in the road in their lives, dealing with the loss of a loved one, or working through their chaotic lives.
We all needed something different out of the weekend. Some were seeking a community and a focus to guide their path. Others needed to slough out from a deeper place and find the light to take forward. We were connected by location and time, Jean, and our desire to make our lives better. In our individual ways, we found that.
What do you need to find?
For 2 weekends in June (June 1-3 and June 15-17) we will have Jean at the inn again! A stay is not required but is an additional cost. Come, stay, and take advantage of this event for $199 you receive 3 days of meditation and a full reading. Jean’s meditation class is powerful. Once she takes you on the journey 3 times you will always be able to reach your meditation garden on your own!
We believe adding a massage to the reservation with this retreat would be beneficial. So much so that we are dropping a single massage from $95 to $85, and a couples massage to $170 (usually $190). This is not required just suggested.
Any questions ask for Olivia or Rose!
To make a reservation call the inn @ 607-387-6033 and speak with Olivia or Rose because there is no listing on the online reservation. We both participated in the retreat, as well as other members of our team.
We want to facilitate an event we believe strongly in!
Ask us what we got from it because we all got something different!